Vaulters Block

11/11/2012 15:12

Vaulters Block:  The mental inability for a pole vaulter to leave the ground.

If you have been a pole vaulter for more than a couple months, you know what vaulters block is.  As I put in the self- definition of the phrase, it is the MENTAL inability for a vaulter to leave the ground.  There is nothing physically wrong with the vaulter.  "Your run is fine."  "Your step is fine."  "Your plant is fine."   We have all heard this from our coaches.  So, why the hell do we not take off?!  
               I myself have suffered from "Vaulters Block" on numerous occasions.  Sometimes it will only last one or two practices, or like my freshman year at Linfield, it can last for a whole season.  My goal is to dive into some of the reason and remedies for this detrimental diagnosis.  


Possible Reason for Vaulters  Block:

1)     A Bad Jump:  We all have them.  When you plant way inside or way outside it doesn’t always feel very good.  Whether the result is being rejected from the pole, falling into the box, hurting your shoulder, or landing on top of the standards itself (all of which I have done), pole vaulting can be scary.  There is a reason most people think we are crazy for being vaulters.  It is an extreme sport. 

2)     Changing Technique/Run Up:  It has happened to me before when I have been fixing my run up, moving back a step, or focusing on changing a different part of my vault.  When something just “feels weird” it is our bodies own response to stop whatever that is.  This can lead to a case of vaulters block.

3)     The Bigger Pole: That beast of a pole.  The one that you have never jumped on.  You know exactly what I’m talking about.  If your coach tells you, “Hey go grab the next pole up”.  There is a slight hesitation sometimes.  You don't know what to expect or how it will feel.  Will you get rejected?

THE NUMBER ONE REASON FOR VAULTERS BLOCK IS LACK OF CONFIDENCE!: Every reason that I can think of for Vaulters Block comes down to a lack of confidence.  Whether it is conscious or unconscious, it doesn’t matter.  If for some reason there is a doubt in your mind about your ability to vault, you won’t be able to.  This might seem like an easy solution just to change your mind set and tell yourself to be more confident so you can take off the ground, but if you have ever suffered from this syndrome you know it is a lot more difficult!


Possible Remedies for Vaulters Block:

1)     Find Your Comfort Zone:  If you are only not taking off the ground from your full run, move up!  There is no harm in working your short approach.  If you are able to have a successful practice from a three step then start there.  Work back to a four step, then five, then six, and so on.  Not able to take off at all?  That’s ok, do some ground work to get your rhythm down, move to the sand pit to try taking off there.  The goal is to build your confidence back up, not to keep tearing it down by spending two hours running though.

2)     Use Visualization:  If the problem is in your head then use your mind to practice.  Take time out every day to visualize yourself taking off perfectly!  Try to feel what the pressure of the pole feels like when you take off.  Use your mind to your advantage.

3)     A Phrase of Confidence:  Find a short phrase that makes you feel confident.  Write it on your pole itself under your hand grip so you can read it.  “I am a great vaulter”,  “fearfully and wonderfully made”,  “Strong and Powerful”…  Whatever you like to tell yourself to get pumped up.

4)     RELAX:  Do not get mad at yourself if you run through.  It is ok.  You are allowed to have a run through.  Just because you didn’t take off once, twice…seven times in a row does not mean that you will never take off again.  Take a deep breath, a one minute mental break, and try again.

5)     Praise Your Self:  When you do take off celebrate!  Tell yourself you are awesome!  Don’t worry about what it looked like, how many times it took you to do it, or anything else negative.  You were successful!


I know that I myself suffer from Vaulters Block, but I also know that I am able to overcome it!  I hope that this was helpful!